chasm wrote:
My experience with the ZF so far has been overwhelming positive. I like the retro ergonomics, the use of manual focus lenses is intuitive and thoroughly enjoyable in my humble opinion. I set the video record button to zoom in and check critical focus when I need to which although not often, is a very useful feature. I have owned a Leica M10, & I can say the files are every bit as nice as what I achieved from that camera. I have a Leica MP permanently loaded with HP5 & the ZF is a brilliant compliment to that. I use a novaflex adapter to mount my M mount lenses on the ZF and I could't be happier with the setup. The ZF came with the 40mm f2 prime which I thought I wouldn't like, but the opposite is true. It's a great little lens, sharp enough, contrasty images that pop and smooth to operate. It would be great if it wasn't all plastic and it had a manual aperture ring, but it's light, fast and handy as an allrounder to have in the bag. The ZF has already endeared itself to me, I think the other camera companies should sit up and take notice. Leica are the only other company making a solid, durable manual centric camera that is an actual joy to shoot with. The Leica cameras come in after a hefty investment which makes the ZF all the more attractive, I think Nikon will find this is a very popular camera for them.
I have similar feelings about the ZF. For me it brings back the joy of photography again. My other cameras are M11 and Nikon film cameras. I regret getting rid of my MP which I loved. But now, If I shoot film it's on an F3T and an F6 which for me has the perfect metering of any camera ever made.
I have the 50mm 1.8 Z for it and love it. Although, I love shooting my manual focus glass on it as well.
With those two film cameras and my ZF I feel young again :) Who needs Centrum when you have film nikon cameras and and a ZF"
My experience with the ZF so far has been overwhelming positive. I like the retro ergonomics, the use of manual focus lenses is intuitive and thoroughly enjoyable in my humble opinion. I set the video record button to zoom in and check critical focus when I need to which although not often, is a very useful feature. I have owned a Leica M10, & I can say the files are every bit as nice as what I achieved from that camera. I have a Leica MP permanently loaded with HP5 & the ZF is a brilliant compliment to that. I use a novaflex adapter to mount my M mount lenses on the ZF and I could't be happier with the setup. The ZF came with the 40mm f2 prime which I thought I wouldn't like, but the opposite is true. It's a great little lens, sharp enough, contrasty images that pop and smooth to operate. It would be great if it wasn't all plastic and it had a manual aperture ring, but it's light, fast and handy as an allrounder to have in the bag. The ZF has already endeared itself to me, I think the other camera companies should sit up and take notice. Leica are the only other company making a solid, durable manual centric camera that is an actual joy to shoot with. The Leica cameras come in after a hefty investment which makes the ZF all the more attractive, I think Nikon will find this is a very popular camera for them.
Reply to: Welcome to What are your thoughts and feedback on the ZF?
That's good to know. However, for the most part, most of what I am looking for can be found on message boards and forums since I am od simple mind and am just looking for basic setting info. The more complex stuff like what Tom talks about is better documente din books :)
I don't have a Nikon yet, but have been circling around this option for many years. Dad's cameras were from Pentax and Minolta, and my first digital camera was from Canon. For some reason, Nikon DSLR's like the D700/750/780 seem appealing, and I seriously considered getting into the Z system with the Z6. The Zf is even more intriguing with its combination of modern features and performance with its unobtrusive, retro yet functional design. Time will tell if I make the jump.
Reply to: How long have you been shooting with a Nikon?
I have similar feelings about the ZF. For me it brings back the joy of photography again. My other cameras are M11 and Nikon film cameras. I regret getting rid of my MP which I loved. But now, If I shoot film it's on an F3T and an F6 which for me has the perfect metering of any camera ever made. I have the 50mm 1.8 Z for it and love it. Although, I love shooting my manual focus glass on it as well. With those two film cameras and my ZF I feel young again :) Who needs Centrum when you have film nikon cameras and and a ZF" 😄